Arch of Bashekele

Arches UK - a collection of Nature’s arches and bridges

Arch of Bashekele

Arch of Bashekele

NABSQNO 34Q 641224 - 1829851

Ennedi Region. The Ennedi is a large remote area in the north east of the country and is part of the Sahara desert. Here there are many spectacular rock formations as well as a great many natural arches. This is one of the really spectacular arches. It is about 67 miles south east of Fada.

The name Bashekele (ba-SHEIK-a-lee) comes from a nearby guelta, a permanent water source, ba means water and Shekele is the name of the local people. So the guelta means water of the Shekele people. It gives its name to the area as well as the arch.

The arch has a span of 46 ft and a height of 107 ft.